PALATIUM Munich Symposium, 4 - 7 March 2015
04.03.2015 – 07.03.2015
Organized by
ESF Research Networking Programme PALATIUM
Co‐Organized by
Ludwig‐Maximilians‐Universität München
Conference Venue:
Munich Residenz/ Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Alfons-Goppel-Str. 11, 80539 München (Plenarsaal)
Over the past five years the PALATIUM programme has studied European court residences in the period 1400–1700. The world of courts constituted a network of truly European scale and international character, and various aspects of its architecture have been studied in their connectivity during several conferences and workshops. This final symposium aims at bringing together the results of these past meetings and will draw some conclusions about the project’s central themes.
Royal and princely residences were a place for cultural exchange. Ruling monarchs and courtiers, as well as their artists and architects, shared international experiences and knowledge of their peers’ dwellings. Besides the exchange of ideas and models, there was also a conscious strive to maintain one’s own ‘court identity’ with special etiquettes and ceremonies. This sometimes required special architectural solutions, among others in the organisation of stately spaces, their separation from private rooms, and their decoration (including architectural sculpture and ceiling paintings) which often was especially created for a specific space. Human interaction in these spaces was regulated and codified by a set of rules – the ‘ceremonial’. The interaction between palace architecture (tangible) and ceremonial (intangible, but known through tangible testimonials of different types, written and visual) is one of the central questions of the PALATIUM project. The palace’s space and form carry multiple connotations. To the informed observer they represent power, lineage, and tradition versus innovation. The decoding of this system of signs is another central issue.
This symposium will compare the solutions created in different European court circles concerning three main areas of courtly life and symbolism: the layout of the rooms, the role of sacred spaces, and the visual iconography of the buildings. The aim is to see which common patterns in architectural design existed within the international court network of the early modern period, and to what extent we can identify more regional or local solutions in residential architecture – solutions that were often consciously employed in order to differentiate between the various ruling centres of Europe.
8.30 Opening | Registration
9.00 Introduction
Stephan HOPPE (Ludwig‐Maximilians‐Universität Munich)
Krista DE JONGE (University of Leuven, PALATIUM Chair)
Session I. The Spatial Organisation and Ceremonial Use of the Apartment System:
Different Models
Session chair: Dagmar EICHBERGER (University of Heidelberg/University of Trier)
9.45 Krista DE JONGE (University of Leuven)
Living in the Burgundian Manner from the Low Countries to Spain (1480–1630). On a ‘Model’, its Transmutations, and its Assimilation by the High Nobility of the Habsburg Court during the Long Sixteenth Century
10.30 Coffee Break
11.00 Stephan HOPPE (Ludwig‐Maximilians‐Universität Munich)
The Stuben Apartment System, its Development and Use at the Lesser German Residence Schloesser (1470–1648)
11.45 Monique CHATENET (Centre André Chastel, INHA, Paris)
From Valois to Bourbon: The Origin and Development of the Grand Appartement
12.30 Lunch
Session chair: Krista DE JONGE (University of Leuven)
13.30 Nuno SENOS (CHAM, Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
The Apartment System in Portugal in the Sixteenth century
14.15 José Eloy HORTAL MUÑOZ (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid)
Reality or Myth. The ‘Domestication’ of the Nobility through the Codification of Space and Ceremonial: Etiquettes and Ordinances of Philip III and Philip IV of Spain (1598–1665)
15.00 Excursion to Munich Residence
Session chair: Stephan HOPPE (Ludwig‐Maximilians‐Universität Munich)
9.00 Konrad OTTENHEYM (University of Utrecht)
Between Paris and London. The Residences of the Prince of Orange in Seventeenth‐Century Holland
9.45 Fabian PERSSON (Linnaeus University)
Royal Residences of the North: Sweden and Denmark in the Early Modern Period
10.30 Discussion of Session I
10.45 Coffee Break
Session II. Interconnected Areas: The Sacred Space and its Place in the Spatial Network of the Residence
Session chair: Ute ENGEL (Ludwig‐Maximilians‐Universität Munich)
11.15 Birgitte BØGGILD JOHANNSEN (National Museum of Denmark)
Between Altar, Throne and Tomb: Sacred Spaces at the Danish and Swedish Courts During the 16th and 17th Centuries
12.00 Simon THURLEY (English Heritage)
Sacred Space and the Reformation at the Tudor and Stuart Court
12.45 Lunch Break
13.45 Ivan Prokop MUCHKA (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
Between the Royal Castle in Prague and Wallenstein’s Palaces: The Role of Bohemia’s Patron Saints, especially St. Wenceslas
14.30 Alexandre GADY (Centre André Chastel, Université Paris IV Sorbonne)
‘God Save the (French) King’. Chapels in the Bourbon Palaces (17th–18th centuries)
15.15 Coffee Break
15.45 Paolo CORNAGLIA (Politecnico di Torino)
From the Chapel to the Prie‐dieu: Sacred Spaces and Residences at the Court of Savoy (1580–1730)
16.30 Discussion of Session II
19.00 Dinner (Alter Hof)
For speakers and committee members only
Session III. Meaningful Architecture: Exterior and Interior Decoration Programmes and the Semantics of Building
Session chair: Konrad OTTENHEYM (University of Utrecht)
9.30 Renate HOLZSCHUH‐HOFER (Bundesdenkmalamt Vienna)
The Implementation of the Burgundian Heritage in Central Europe under Ferdinand I, 1521–1564
10.15 Coffee Break
10.45 Heiko LAß (independent scholar, Hannover)
Images of Status. Princely and Knightly Residences in the Holy Roman Empire, 1400–1700
11.30 Matthias MÜLLER (Universität Mainz)
Visualizing Princely Virtues: On the Significance of Functional Elements in 15th‐ and 16th‐ Century German Palaces
12.15 Lunch Break
Session chair: Mark HENGERER (Ludwig‐Maximilians‐Universität Munich)
13.15 Barbara ARCISZEWSKA (Warsaw University)
Court Architecture and Interior Decoration in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, 1400–1700: A Reassessment
14.00 Herbert KARNER (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
The Facade of an Emperor: Leopold I and the Imperial Semantics of the Viennese Hofburg
14.45 Discussion of Session III
15.15 Conclusions
15.30 Coffee Break
16.00 PALATIUM Steering Committee Meeting
For PALATIUM SC members only
Excursion to Landshut (Trausnitz Castle & Stadtresidenz)
For speakers and registered participants
8.00 Departure from Munich city centre
9.45 Arrival in Landshut, visit of Trausnitz Castle
12.00 Lunch break
14.30 Visit of Landshut Stadtresidenz
18.00 Departure from Landshut
20.00 Arrival in Munich
Attending the conference is free, but registration is required. Please submit the Registration Form available on the PALATIUM website via e‐mail to the conference coordinator.
Coordinator: Christa SYRER M.A.
Institut für Kunstgeschichte, LMU
Zentnerstraβe 31
D – 80798 München, Germany,