Institut für Kunstgeschichte



International Webinar 17 November 2020: "Issues of Provenance – Provenance as Issue"

Confronted with a growing popularisation during the past twenty years, the notion of "provenance" of cultural goods remains diverse and multifaceted.


When used to describe the biography of an object, from its origins to its ultimate owner, it conditions returns, restitutions and re-attributions. Moreover, in the guise of methodology, provenance research focuses on
public and private interests around cultural heritage and constitutes an undeniable political (cultural) issue.

These aspects will be addressed by Patrick Hunt, Avraham Weber and Andrzej Jakubowski, invited by Andrea M. Gáldy and Antoinette Maget Dominicé, on Tuesday, 17 November 2020, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. The discussion will be held on Zoom.


Webinar limited to 90 participants.

For more information and registration please visit:
